Veterans memorials

SMCA Four Corners Monument
SMCA Four Corners Monument in Madawaska, Maine

Madawaska, Maine
629 Main Street
GPS coordinates: 47.356033,-68.332633

Take a photo of your rally flag with the above image.

According to the Madawaska Four Corners Association, the Four Corners Park is the only park in the world dedicated to long distance motorcycling. In addition to the monument, benches and a sparkling fountain, the park features a walkway of memorial paving stones. Red ones are reserved for finishers of the Southern California Motorcycle Association Four Corners Tour and long distance riders.

Madawaska Maine is one of the 4 corners of the SCMA Tour and the town welcomes motorcyclists, especially those on bikes in “rally mode” with the question “you’re on the motorcycle tour are you not?” in the strong French accent of the Acadians that inhabit this town smack up against the US/Canada border. You’re a minor celebrity and will have lots of volunteers willing to take your picture.

Also in the area: Stop in Aug 9-12 and you can experience the Annual Acadian Festival (if your name is Talbot-Gervais then you’ll be a guest of honor as that family is this year’s Festival Honored Family).

On the way to Madawaska, stop in Fort Kent and tour the Fort Kent Blockhouse built to protect the US from Canada during the Pork and Beans War of 1838-39.

You’re also going to pass thru Preque Isle home of the world’s largest scale model (1 mi = 93000000 mi) of the solar system. The Northern Maine Museum of Science in Preque Isle houses the Sun (50 ft diameter), Pluto (1” diameter) is at the Houlton Visitor Information Center 40 miles away (I-95 at US 1), and the rest of the planets are in between.

Tour of Honor-New England is sponsored by Jim Hatch of Simsbury, CT.

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