Veterans memorials

McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center Memorial
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center Memorial in Concord, New Hampshire

Concord, New Hampshire
2 Institute Drive
GPS coordinates: 43.224223,-71.533168

Take a photo of your rally flag with the above image, at the base of the rocket.

May 5th, 1961 a Redstone Ballistic Missile lifted off carrying the Mercury capsule into orbit, with Alan Shepard who was to become the first American (and 2nd man) in space. Nearly 10 years later he would command Apollo 14 and walk on the moon.

Fast forward 15 years and Christa McAuliffe lifts off from Kennedy Space Center on January 28, 1986 as the first ordinary citizen and teacher in space. 73 seconds after launch, she and the other 6 members of the Space Shuttle Challenger crew died in the fiery explosion that burned into the consciousness of the American public.

These two New Hampshire natives are honored in exhibits and displays in the Discovery Center and by the (replica) Redstone Rocket where you will find the plaque pictured above.

Also in the area: Not far north, on the western edge of the White Mountains, you’ll find another Redstone Rocket in the town of Warren – this one is not a replica but is the only genuine Redstone Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile displayed by a town in the United States.

Half an hour away is Laconia – annually home of the largest bike gathering and races in New England. (Read more about Laconia on the Boscawen page).

Tour of Honor-New England is sponsored by Jim Hatch of Simsbury, CT.

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