Veterans memorials

Kingfisher County War Memorial
Kingfisher County War Memorial in Kingfisher, Oklahoma

Kingfisher, Oklahoma
On OK-3/33, 1.3 miles West of Main St.
GPS coordinates: 35.856,-97.95724

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Kingfisher Cemetery's war memorial is a large monument located near the entrance to a cemetery. It consists of a white pavilion-type structure in the center, and includes numerous tall black columns of text.

As you enter the monument from the south (cemetery entrance) the first thing you come upon is a pair of military boots with the rifle and helmet, on top of a pedestal with a plaque, "In Memory of Our Fallen Comrades Who Gave All."

Also in the area: Runs of ’89 and ’92 markers, on OK-33, just west of the cemetery entrance.

The Run of ’89 West Boundary
On this line, 98° west longitude, many campers sat by their fires the night before the opening of "Old Oklahoma." The next day at noon on April 22, 1889, many people set out running east on foot and by horse for 160-acre land claims.

The Run of ’92 East Boundary
East boundary of Indian Country, 98° west longitude west of this line lay the land of the Cheyenne and Arapaho. Each member of their two tribes had been allotted 160 acres before the surplus land was opened to settlers at noon April 19, 1892. The settlers ran west from this line for homesteads.

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