Veterans memorials

Veterans Park
Veterans Park in Carrabelle, Florida

Carrabelle, Florida
US98 and 4th St.
GPS coordinates: 29.85282,-84.66775

Take a photo of your rally flag and motorcycle with the above image.*

The monument features an eagle flying above five miniature military statues bearing the flag of their respective branch of service.

Also in the area: West of town on US98 at Carrabelle Beach Park is a historic marker telling how the park was a training site for the WWII D-Day landings.

Known as the “Gateway to the Gulf,” Carrabelle is a small fishing village which is also home to the Crooked River Lighthouse and the Camp Gordon Johnston WWII Museum, honoring all "amphibious soldiers."

Also, make sure to get a photo of the “World’s Smallest Police Station” inside a phone booth.

*If motorcycle, rally flag and above image can't be in the same photo, submit two photos: one with rally flag and above image, and another with rally flag and motorcycle nearby. If the site is CLOSED or inaccessible, submit a photo with rally flag and motorcycle nearby, along with an explanation.

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