Veterans memorials

Memorial Statue of Today's Coal Miners
Memorial Statue of Today's Coal Miners in Benham, Kentucky

Benham, Kentucky
Kentucky Coal Museum
231 Main St.
GPS coordinates: 36.96430,-82.95225

Take a photo of your rally flag and motorcycle with the above image.*

In 1999, the Benham Garden Club dedicated this statue in honor of the hard work and sacrifices made by all of the working men and women coal miners, for they have played a central role in building of our community and nation.

As the plaque at the base of the statue says, "In loving memory and tribute to all those who have labored in the coal mining industry." At the dedication ceremony, the mayor said, " me, coal miners exemplify courage. I think this is a tremendous honor for the miners, not just for Benham miners, but for everyone that has worked in the mining industry," Mayor Howard also said, "The statute has a little bit of everybody in it, that's why it reminds people of a miner they know or knew.''

If you have the time, learn some more about the fascinating coal industry at the Kentucky Coal Museum.

*If motorcycle, rally flag and above image can't be in the same photo, submit two photos: one with rally flag and above image, and another with rally flag and motorcycle nearby. If the site is CLOSED or inaccessible, submit a photo with rally flag and motorcycle nearby, along with an explanation.

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