Veterans memorials

Fort Stanton
Fort Stanton, New Mexico

Fort Stanton, New Mexico
104 Kit Carson Rd.
GPS coordinates: 33.49652,-105.52417

Take a photo of your rally flag and motorcycle with the above image.*

Fort Stanton, named for Captain Henry Stanton, was originally established to control the Mescalero Apache Indians in 1855. It was burned and evacuated by Union trips in 1861, held briefly by the Confederates, and then reoccupied for the Union by Colonel Kit Carson and the famous Buffalo Soldiers, in 1862. Since its abandonment as a military post, it has been used as a hospital and housing for German and Japanese Prisoners of War during WWII.

Visit the museum here. Check the weblink for hours of operation.

*If motorcycle, rally flag and above image can't be in the same photo, submit two photos: one with rally flag and above image, and another with rally flag and motorcycle nearby. If the site is CLOSED or inaccessible, submit a photo with rally flag and motorcycle nearby, along with an explanation.

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