Veterans memorials

Old Abe - The War Eagle
Old Abe - The War Eagle in Park Falls, Wisconsin

Park Falls, Wisconsin
4th St. S and S 4th Ave.
GPS coordinates: 45.93127,-90.45218

Take a photo of your rally flag and motorcycle with the above image.*

Old Abe, the War Eagle, was a Civil War mascot of the 8th Wisconsin Infantry.  In 1861, he was captured by a Chippewa Indian and later traded to a local farmer for a bushel of corn. The farmer wanted to help the war effort and sold the bird to a militia company out of Eau Claire. The company headed off to Camp Randall in Madison and it was during this trip that the eagle was named Old Abe after President Abraham Lincoln. 

When the company arrived at Camp Randall, they were welcomed by a band playing “Yankee Doodle.” Old Abe quickly became famous and got media attention when he grabbed a corner of a flag and flapped his wings to the song.

Old Abe saw plenty of action and was in many battles during his three year tour with the Infantry. He was also a prankster when allowed to roam free in camp, being known to ambush fresh laundry and tip over fire pails full of water after the soldiers refilled them. He was also known to get a little tipsy when alcoholic beverages were left unattended. 

After his three year tour, he “retired” from the military and spent the rest of his time attending various reunions, political events, and fundraisers. When he wasn’t traveling, he stayed in a special room located in the basement of the then-State Capitol building in Madison. In 1881, a fire broke out in the basement.  Old Abe inhaled smoke and sadly, died a month later. He was preserved and put on display in the Capitol building. Unfortunately a fire in 1904 destroyed the building along with Old Abe’s remains. 

The statue is not only a remembrance of Old Abe, but also dedicated to the men and women of the Park Falls area who have served, or are currently serving, in the Armed Forces. 

Also in the area: To see a display of Old Abe artifacts, visit the Park Falls Public Library, three blocks north from here on N 4th Ave. 

*If motorcycle, rally flag and above image can't be in the same photo, submit two photos: one with rally flag and above image, and another with rally flag and motorcycle nearby. If the site is CLOSED or inaccessible, submit a photo with rally flag and motorcycle nearby, along with an explanation.

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